About us
"Publics are small groups of people who follow one or more particular issue very closely. They are well informed about the issue(s) and also have a very strong opinion on it/them..."
[Source: Webster's Online Dictionary]
Publics.bg is an online media product of Public Services Ltd. The company was founded in January 2010 with the mission to develop knowledge in the field of energy, public services and utilities. The team of Public Services has worked on numerous projects and products in diverse sectors of public services.
Public Services Ltd. also publishes the Bulgarian B2B magazines "Utilities" and "Facilities" and prepared printed editions alone or with partners, e.g. "Facility & Property Management Catalog" (annually, since 2011), "Energy Audit & Certification Catalog 2011", "Energy Efficiency" Special Edition for Economedia, 7 issues of the "Shared Values" magazine for the Industrial Cluster "Srednogorie" (in 2013-2014), etc.
The team of the company has worked on different projects and products in the field of public services. The partners in the company have experience in the following services: media, events planning and management, research and consultancy projects, etc. in the following sectors: energy, infrastructure, and public services. The team of the company is also involved in teaching at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University in the master's programmes “Economics and Management of Energy, Infrastructure, and Utilities” and “Facilities Management” and its three majors: "Energy Market and Services", "Facilities Management", and "Logistics".
The individual owners of Publics.bg are:
- Maria Teodorova Krasteva
- Atanas Dimitrov Georgiev

Publics.bg is an online media product of Public Services Ltd. The website presents news, interviews, and analyses for the following sectors of the economy: Electricity, Natural Gas, Transportation & Fuels, Sustainable Development, Water Services, Heating, Facility Management, IT & Communications, and Education in Bulgarian and English language. The weekly newsletter news@publics.bg is distributed freely to subscribers every Friday afternoon.

"Utilities" Magazine is the first and only established monthly B2B magazine in Bulgaria, which covers topics, related to management of utility companies in sectors as: infrastructure, energy production and trading, water sector, heating, telecommunications, asset management, legal and regulatory framework, etc. From 2003 to 2012 the magazine was published by Uconomics Ltd.

"Facilities" Magazine is the only Facility Management B2B magazine in Bulgaria which includes all topics, related to the processes and systems management in buildings, facilities, and corporate fleets. The main goal of the magazine is to promote new ideas and best practices for facility management and also to promote the facility management concept and the facility manager’s profession in Bulgaria. From 2007 to 2012 the magazine was published by Uconomics Ltd..
Please see here more information about our projects - publications and events, as well as about our 2022 offers.

Publics.bg Key Experts:

Atanas Georgiev, PhD
Managing Partner / Publisher in "Public Services" OOD
Chief Editor of Publics.bg & "Utilities" Magazine
Atanas Georgiev is Associate Professor teaching Regulation and Utilities Management at the Faculty of Economics and Business Adimistration of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" where he also defended his Thesis "Instituional Independence of the National Energy Regulatory Authority in Bulgaria". He has graduated a Bachelor's degree in “Economics” and Master's degrees in “Economics and Management in Energy, Infrastructure, and Utilities” and in “Finance and Banking” at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA) of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. He has worked as a part-time, and since 2007 as a full-time assistant professor and later associate professor in FEBA, Sofia University. Currently he is Dean (since 2019) and has been Vice-Dean "Projects and Administration" (2018-2019) at FEBA, Head of the "Industrial Economics & Management" Department, as well as the Director of the Master's Programme “Energy Markets and Services”. In the period 2005-2009 Atanas Georgiev worked at Uconomics Ltd. first as a consultant in energy sector restructuring and later – as the managing editor of the Bulgarian “Utilities” Magazine and as a programme manager for a number of trainings and conferences in the fields of energy, infrastructure and utilities. He has published a number of articles about the energy sector and other public services. Since January 2010 Atanas Georgiev has become managing editor of publics.bg – the Bulgarian online professional media for development of public services. Member of the International Association for Energy Economics and of the Scientific Committee at the Turin School of Local Regulation. Member of the Management Board of the National Committee of Bulgaria for the World Energy Council.

Christina Fortunova
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Publics.bg and “Utilities” magazine
Christina Fortunova has become part of the team of "Public Services" Ltd. and "Utilities" magazine since May 2023. Her professional experience began in the editorial offices of "Trud" newspaper and "Presa" newspaper and continued in the field of public communications as a PR manager in a PR agency where she was responsible for clients from the financial, health and energy sectors.
She has graduated a Bachelor’s degree in “Media and Journalism" at UNWE, Sofia.